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Stronger Together In Games Campaign Unites Six Prominent Organizations to Support the Gaming Community

November 27, 2023 -- The International Game Developers Association (IGDA), the IGDA Foundation, Women in Games International (WIGI), Global Game Jam, Take This, and Game to Grow have united to create the Stronger Together In Games Campaign

Running November 28th through the end of 2023, the initiative aims to raise $100,000 for these organizations' efforts in supporting game industry workers and players alike, amidst a year of widespread layoffs and an ongoing national mental health crisis.

These six organizations collectively work to make the games industry more diverse and inclusive, foster supportive environments for professional growth and skill development, and support the mental health of game lovers and creators. 

The Stronger Together In Games campaign seeks $100,000 in crowdfunded donations and an additional $50,000 in corporate matching funds. Pledges have already been secured from partners, including Amazon Games, Google for Games, SEGA of America, StridePR, Foundation Law, Clever Endeavor, Codename Entertainment, Modulate, and Midwest Games. Additionally, the group is hosting a 24-hour charity stream on December 8th to raise funds for the cause.

“The past year has been a challenging time for the games industry. As non-profit organizations that support game creators and players worldwide, we’re seeing skyrocketing demand for our programs and services” said Dr. Jakin Vela, Executive Director of IGDA. “The funds we raise will support our continued efforts in creating and sharing resources, facilitating networking opportunities and mentorship, and coordinating impactful programming aimed to diversify the industry, and more.”

For more information or to contribute to this cause, please visit the Stronger Together In
Games Givebutter page.


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